Unlock My Profits

Moshe Amsel is the founder and CEO of Profit with Law. He is also the host of the Profit with Law Podcast and the Law Firm Growth Summit. He helps law firm owners grow their practice with a focus on creating generational wealth.

Moshe Amsel is the founder and CEO of Profit with Law. He is also the host of the Profit with Law Podcast and the Law Firm Growth Summit. He helps law firm owners grow their practice with a focus on creating generational wealth.

Generational wealth is an important focal point for Moshe because of his own experience as a recipient of generational wealth and how that positively impacted his life.

Moshe’s grandfather came from Nazi Germany with nothing when he was eleven years old and through success in business and a good real estate investment, created substantial wealth. He used that wealth for many philanthropic activities to make the world a better place, but more importantly provided the down payment for the first time home purchase for each of his 36 grandchildren. Moshe’s experience as a recipient of that kind of help was so positive that he decided his entire focus would be helping others do the same.

As a married loving husband, father of 7 children ranging from 25 years to 1 year and a grandfather of 3 beautiful grandchildren, he is very familiar with the struggles of running a successful business and still prioritizing his family.

Moshe has an MBA and 20 years experience in the IT industry as a business executive. He has extensive experience in Sales and Marketing, having closed over $30 million in sales in a single year.

He currently owns an accounting practice, DreamBuilder Financial, where he helps clients with business advisory and tax strategy services.