It’s often said that teamwork makes the dream work. But what happens if your team members don’t feel safe voicing their ideas and speaking up about their concerns?
Achieving success in business isn’t just about assigning tasks and deadlines—it’s also about creating an environment where everyone can feel comfortable expressing themselves. In other words, psychological safety is key. But how do you create a workplace culture where employees are empowered to share opinions without fear of retribution or criticism?
In this episode, Stephan Wiedner joins us to talk about how to build psychological safety. He shares practical tips on how to foster psychological safety within organizations so that your employees can make their best contributions to your company’s success!
If you are struggling to get your employees to speak up but are unsure on how to go about building psychological safety, then this episode is for you.
Stephan: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Moshe: “By allowing people to express their opinion, to feel comfortable expressing their opinion, to feel comfortable asking questions, not worrying about asking the stupid questions, you’re also preparing them for bigger and better things within the team.”
Stephan: “You don’t have to agree with them. But make sure you understand.”
Stephan: “The more you can kind of reinforce and engage people again and again and again, the more safe and willing they will get over time.”
Stephan: “The values are basically the actions that you're wanting to aspire to have.”
Stephan: “Nobody wants to go to work to play ping pong. What they want to do is go to work and feel like they’re part of something bigger, something bigger than themselves, and they’re contributing, and they know how they’re contributing.”
Stephan: “If you’ve got a bunch of executives sitting in a room and if they’re not feeling psychologically safe, you might as well stop there and fix that problem before starting to get into planning because people are going to be withholding information, people are going to be afraid to ask the really good questions.”
Stephan: “Do nothing except stick out your antenna and start paying attention to what might be causing psychological safety to be reduced in yourself and in the people in your organization.”
Stephan Wiedner is the CEO and co-founder of Zarango and Noomii. He is the COO and co-founder of Skillsetter. As a psychological safety expert, he is passionate about giving training that improves psychological safety to surface creative solutions lying dormant within people. By developing intrapersonal skills, he helps teams and companies create tangible results.
Stephan is a graduate of the University of British Columbia Bachelor of Commerce program, having specialized in information systems. He acquired his coaching training in 2006 from CTI. In addition to his career, educational, and entrepreneurial pursuits, Stephan is a dedicated husband and father of two beautiful children.
Connect with Stephan on LinkedIn.
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