Anyone can start a business or law firm. Creating success is the real challenge. But success means different things to different people. For some, it's nothing more than the bottom line. Others want to leave a lasting legacy of financial success, such as generational wealth, a stable business, or a contribution to the community — ultimately, you define your goal. However, reaching that goal can come down to a formula.
In this episode, Michael Smikun joins us to talk about creating success for the business side of your firm while continuously creating value and building a lasting legacy. He shares the formula he used to get financial, time, and impact freedom.
If you want to bring success and leave a lasting legacy through your business, then this episode is for you.
Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.
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