Law firm owners, particularly solo practitioners, may feel as if there isn't enough time to run their firm and practice law. Good marketing strategies are part of effective time management. It entails understanding what lead magnets to offer, how to automate your email newsletters, and optimizing your website to attract your ideal clients.
In this episode, Steven Richardson of Richardson Consulting Group and Richardson Law Firm walks us through his marketing techniques for content creation and email automation. We also discuss time and task management strategies, so you don't have to waste time checking your emails constantly.
If you want to improve your law firm's marketing strategies and maximize time efficiency, this episode is for you!
Steven: "[Have] a mobile-friendly website that has good content, that has the answers to people's questions. Because a lot of times people are [not] ready to hire a lawyer yet, but they're looking for information about the situation. In that search, you want to be the one that they find, [and] relate to."
Steven: "If somebody else is doing [social media] for you, it may sound dry and calculated and intentional to get business, as opposed to just being friendly, [like] talking at a cocktail party. That's what social media is. It's kind of a fine line as far as delegating social media. You have to be careful."
Moshe: "I've heard somebody say, "You don't need a business card if you wrote a book," right? A book is like the best business card out there. You just get it out, and it speaks for itself. The fact that [you] actually authored a book, it gives you credibility. It gives you authority, and it also provides material for your potential clients."
Steven: “A book doesn't have to be [200] pages. To save up all the time to [write] a book, your book can be 20 or 30 pages. A lot of the books on my website are less than 40 pages on a particular topic. It can be a five- or six-page report with some charts or information. It could be links to videos. It can be anything. It's something of value that somebody wants in exchange for giving you their contact information so that you can market to them.
Steven: “If you're not in regular contact with them, sending out emails and email newsletters, something like that, they're gonna forget whose book they downloaded from where when it's time to buy, and maybe they go somewhere else.”
Steven: “The biggest problem that people have with time is that they cede control of it to others.”
Steven: “You do the right task at the right time based on your own energy levels, and that can really free up time for you.”
Steven: “Once you start, you don't have to do it all. You can delegate a lot of your stuff, and that frees up more time to think more strategically about your business, and think more towards growth and better marketing.”
Steven Richardson is the founder of Richardson Consulting Group and the Richardson law firm. He has been practicing law for over 35 years. He is currently a solo attorney with his own successful professional business for over 20 years.
Steven implemented ruthless time management, well-structured procedure, and systems to get work done. He leveraged automated marketing targeted to his ideal clients to bring in more business without spending more time doing so. He has also been coaching and consulting with other solo practitioners to help them get off the hamster wheel of disorganized solo law practice and into the practice of their dreams.
Want to learn more about Steven? Visit his website now. You may also email Steven at [email protected] if you'd like to get an electronic copy of his books.
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