The Secret to Successful Leaders and Businesses
The key is in how you communicate.
Everyone knows what they do and many know how, but few know why. The why is what speaks to people.
“People don’t buy what you do, people buy why you do it” - Simon Sinek
When you tell people what you do and how you do it, they’re not inspired, they’re not driven to buy your product or use your service. However, when you tell them why you do what you do and then you give the what and how, they will be more likely to get on board with you.
“The Golden Circle” Model
Most people communicate from the outside in (what, how, why). However, the inspiring and successful leaders communicate from the inside out (why, how, what).
The “why” is what makes people and companies successful.
“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” - Simon Sinek explains.
Our Biology
The human brain (modern humans' homo sapien brain) is split into three parts, correlating with the golden circle:
Neocortex - “what” level, responsible for rational and analytical thought and will control language.
Middle two sections (limbic system brain) - limbic brains are responsible for human nature, behavior, gut decisions, decision making and feelings, no capacity for language.
When you communicate from the inside out, you are talking to limbic brain. This part of the brain controls decision-making and human behavior. Then when you give the “what” people can rationalize what your “why” made them do. This will explain the human decision-making process.
This concept not only works with customers/clients, but with employees as well. When you hire someone because they believe what you believe, they will be loyal to you and not your money. This is how great leaders inspire others.
Inspired leaders like you must talk about what you believe in, so you will attract the people who believe in what you believe.
“By The Way, He [Dr. Martin Luther King] gave the ‘I Have a Dream Speech’ Not The ‘I Have a Plan Speech’ ” - Simon Sinek
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Find Your Why by Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek & Limbic Brain TEDx Talk
Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.
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