Continuing the series of episodes related to adding information products as a revenue source for your law firm, Moshe Amsel shares the 3 gaps that you can solve with an information product. He explains how to identify them and how to choose one to focus on first.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Facebook Live Broadcast with A Browne Kicking Off the Live Demo of Implementing an Information Product in a Law Firm -
Episode 96: Lawyers Are Leaving Money On the Table - Lots Of It -
Episode 98: Step 1: Define Your Clients Journey -
Join the Law Firm Growth Incubator -
Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group Coaching Program -
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Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.
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