In this episode, Moshe Amsel interviews Katy Goshtasbi, a branding expert. Katy talks about branding at its core, which is finding your natural talent. Katy describes how finding your natural talent improves the attractiveness of you and your firm. She also talks about the direct correlation between stress and self-confidence. Moshe and Katy discuss some key elements of you and your brand that haven’t been brought up on the podcast yet, so make sure you get to listen to this episode!
Resources mentioned:
Join Katy’s FREE 14 Day Challenge -
Katy’s Branding QuickStep Guide -
The Katy G Podcast -
Episode 150 - To Achieve Success - Spend a Day in Your Client’s Shoes with Jim Armstrong -
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In this episode Moshe Amsel interviews Jared D. Correia, Esq. the founder & CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting and the cofounder & COO of Gideon Software, Inc. Moshe and Jared start off with a fun conversation about football and their kids before moving into an insightful conversation about law firms moving into the new age of technology. Many lawyers have a hard time adapting to the new changes, but Moshe and Jared discuss why it’s so important for lawyers to take advantage of technology and use it to catapult their firm growth.
Resources mentioned:
Red Cave Legal -
Gideon -
Legal Toolkit -
Twitter - or @RedCaveLegal
Episode 138 - The Future of the Legal Industry with Jonathan Petts -
Episode 25 - Generating Referrals Without Asking with Stacey Brown Randall -...
In this episode, Moshe Amsel interviews Chris Walker, Founder of Advocate SEO. Moshe and Chris discuss when the best time to start implementing SEO is and how to go about doing that. Chris explains how to get the best results from your SEO strategy, whether it’s researching what the best keywords are or how to write your content so that it will rank in Google. If you are thinking of implementing SEO or are already doing so, this episode will be very valuable to you.
Resources mentioned:
Free SEO Training from Chris -
Advocate SEO -
Ahrefs -
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Inspired by a thought-provoking lesson from Tony Robbins, Moshe Amsel talks about how important decisions are in controlling your law firm’s outcome. Don’t be a victim and blame your situation and the things you do not control, instead, own the responsibility and recognize that your results are always a direct result of the decisions you’ve made before that.
Resources mentioned:
Join us for COVID Over Cocktails on November 17 at 9 PM EST -
Episode 149: Best Of: What Do You Want -
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This episode will bring you the unique perspective of the client journey as Moshe Amsel interviews Jim Armstrong, co-founder of The FOTA Project. Three years ago, Jim and his wife had a loved one that was arrested and in this episode Jim analyzes how he chose which law firm to hire. Jim goes through each of his meetings with the firms and points out where they went wrong and where the firm he chose went right. Listening to Jim’s journey through this process will help place you in the client’s shoes and determine how you can improve your firm to fit your clients’ needs.
Resources mentioned:
The Fota Project -
Download the Mood Survey -
Connect with Jim - [email protected]
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95% of people will never get to live the life of their dreams. If you want to be part of the few, it is going to take constant forward motion to prevent moving backwards. In this episode Moshe talks about defining ‘Growth’ and what it means to you. Ultimately, settling on a simple yet very complex question: What do you want?
Resources mentioned:
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
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Many law firm owners struggle with money, so in this episode Moshe interviews Marco Brown, owner of Brown Law, a divorce law firm in Salt Lake City, Utah. With his experience of 10+ years owning his own firm and getting out of $450,000 of personal debt, Marco shares his best advice for new law firm owners and law firm owners who’ve had their firm for many years. Listen now to learn about Marco’s two key ingredients for gaining control of your finances.
Resources mentioned:
Episode 129 - Best Of: Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm -
How to contact Marco - [email protected]
Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy -
Financial Peace University -
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey -
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz - ...
The Clio Trends Report is the most widely used report for solo and small law firms to gauge the industry, market and customer mindset. It contains key nuggets of information that could make or break a law firm. The problem is that most people give up along the way and fail to consume the nearly 100 page report in its entirety.
In this episode, Moshe Amsel breaks down all of the most crucial data and information from the report so that you don’t have to.
Share this episode with a friend so they can get value from this too!
Resources mentioned:
Episode 26: The Death of the Billable Hour -
2020 Clio Trends Report -
LawFundAR powered by QuickFee -
Package and Sell Legal Services Online with Rally -
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You’re probably tired of constantly trying to get more leads and spending too much time and money on your marketing. In this episode Moshe Amsel interviews Kara Prior, co-founder of James Publishing’s Marketing Amplifier campaign automation software. Kara Prior gives us a new and enlightening approach to marketing. Instead of focusing on new leads, Kara teaches us how to convert the leads we already have. Why target a cold audience when you can allocate your resources to converting your warm audience?
Resources mentioned:
Episode 142 - Repeatable and Scalable Growth Using 7 Sales Steps with Maddy Martin -
How to contact Kara:
Website -
Email - [email protected]
Phone number - +1 (714) 434-5926 use code PROFITLAW100 to get 14 days up to 20 calls or chats, CRM Integration, AI Chatbot with White Glove setup and $100 off your first month
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Do you struggle to find a marketing strategy that works for your firm? There is a good chance that yet another strategy is not what you need. Often the reason the marketing strategy is not working is because it is not resonating with the right person.
Your ideal client is the person you want to attract and getting clear on who that is, will unlock great potential in your marketing efforts. Listen to this episode as host Moshe Amsel explains how to identify your ideal client.
Resources mentioned:
Profit with Law Podcast Episode 29: Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm
To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].
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