Office rent is one of the big three expenses that can make or break the success of your firm. In Episode 38 of the podcast, we discussed the possibility of making significant swings in your cash flow situation by attacking the big expenses. In this episode, Moshe goes deep into what options you may have if you’re locked into an expensive office space as well as ways to approach the situation if you’re first looking to get or upgrade new office space.
The number one key to success in sales, customer service and referrals is communication. Clear and concise communication translates into leads converting to sales, sales converting to satisfied clients and satisfied clients converting into brand promoters. With Maddy Martin, the key to clear and concise communication is the speed of responsiveness. She has a ton of insights to share on how you can significantly increase the speed of responsiveness using technology, processes and good and robust staff. This is a must listen to episode!
In January, Moshe had a real-talk discussion with his Coach Mark and discussed his struggle with taking care of himself personally. The response Coach Mark gave him set him off on a journey of self-reflection that continues to today. There is a super inspiring story buried in this episode so you don’t want to miss listening to this one and also learning how the simple question of “Are You Leading By Example” can completely alter your success path in a beautiful way.
One of the biggest frustrations we hear from law firm owners is the volume of marketing agency chatter and input they receive and the sheer confusion on what really works and what doesn’t. Each marketer swears their method is the right one. Our guest Andrew Stickel has made it his mission to educate law firm owners on marketing tactics, strategy, and insight through his regular video broadcasts. In this episode, he shares a number of those things with our audience.
Smart firm owners invest in their and their firm’s future. One of those wise decisions is attending conferences. In this episode, we cover strategies you can use before, during and after the conference to make the most of your investment. Some of these may be obvious to you, however, you are sure to discover something new in this episode.
Moshe recently had an amazingly positive experience as a client of a law firm and in this episode, explains why so many of these things are important. Interestingly, it often has nothing to do with the practice of law. So what are you doing to get new and existing customers to rave about you? Listen now to get the full scoop.
So much information is out there on legal marketing and marketers are vying for your attention all day long. Yet, we almost always overlook how effective the firm is at converting leads into sales. In this episode, Moshe discusses some of the common pitfalls that firms are falling for and a simple 4 step process to overcome them. Imagine if you could quadruple your business by listening to this one episode? Why not give it a whirl?
In Episode 16 and Episode 18 of the podcast, Moshe took a deep dive into Profit First and how implementing this strategy in your firm can have a significant impact on the cash flow and profitability of the firm. In this episode Moshe interviews Christopher Anderson the CEO of Profit First for Lawyers about Profit First as a new Practice Area for firm owners to add to their practice. Christopher makes the case for a small firm to easily add another $300K of annual revenue from existing clients. Listen to this episode to see why this can also significantly boost your overall revenue as well.
Last week Moshe’s grandfather passed away. Moshe reflects on some of the lessons he learned from his grandfather and explains how law firm owners can learn from his life as well. This episode is a different style than the normal show but is a must listen.
Devin Miller is a very unique individual. Armed with 4 degrees including an MBA and JD, Devin is a law firm owner in the same trenches as you. However, he does have the business education. We asked him for his best tips for fellow law firm owners and he did not disappoint. This was a great conversation with Devin with plenty of actionable takeaways for you. This is by far our favorite interview to date, so listen now!