Getting An Intern Even If You Can't Afford It with Reza Yassi

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2019

If you are a law firm owner who needs help and is simply not ready to hire a staff member or even bring on an intern full-time then you must listen to this interview. Reza Yassi is the founder of ATTORNNEED, a company that matches students with law firms for short term project internships. Whether researching a legal issue, drafting documents or writing a blog post, this just may be the answer to your prayers. 

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What's Your Hiring Process

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2019

Hiring the wrong person to a position can be one of the costliest mistakes when growing your firm. Even worse, when somebody is not a good fit for the position, it is often difficult to let them go or get them out of that position which increases the loss to the firm owner. Creating and using a hiring process will allow you to bring uniformity to your talent search and help ensure you have a greater chance of success at finding the perfect candidate to fill your next open position. 

The process you use is equally important and knowing what to do to vet the candidates interested in a position is instrumental to finding that perfect candidate. We break down some of the tricks to this process in this episode.




Core Values Exercise

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How to Break Through a Business Plateau

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2019

Have you found that your law firm seems to produce the same amount of revenue year after year? Have you gotten stuck on your way to a larger goal? In this episode, we explain why that happens and a simple process you can follow to overcome the stagnation and finally achieve the goal(s) you desire.


Living Forward by Michael Hyatt

The 90X Action Planner

Episode 25

Moshe’s Email Address
[email protected]

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You're Never Too Busy to Market Your Firm with Charles (Chuck) Krugel

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2019

If you want a role model for solo firm business development, look no further than Charles Krugel. Charles is a solo firm owner in the Chicago area and has built a practice serving clients globally. He has been writing blog posts, running a successful LinkedIn group and speaking on stages for years. This episode is a must listen for anybody who wants to know how to perform consistent actions that will set up your firm for ongoing client flow for a long time to go.


Charles Krugel’s LinkedIn Page

Charles Krugel’s LinkedIn Group
Charles Krugel Labor and Employment Law and Human Resources Practices Group

Platform by Michael Hyatt


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Lessons from Training for a Triathlon

Uncategorized Aug 27, 2019

I want to share with you the lessons I have learned while training for a triathlon that can be applied to the growth of your firm.

These lessons came from the actual training plan itself and from my own experiences of preparing for this race.


Lessons From the Training Plan

  1. The first few weeks of training start off very light and build up as you go along. This way you don’t overdo yourself and get hurt. Once you build up your strength, there’s a few weeks of hardcore workouts. In the last few weeks leading up to the race, the training starts to get lighter and lighter.

    Takeaway: when you start a project or implement a new system, you can’t just jump into it. You have to take things slowly. The middle of this project is when you’ll do the bulk of the work. As you approach your goal, you should be doing less work and putting in less effort since you already did most of the work.
  2. A triathlon is made up of swimming, biking and running. The plan has you do...
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The Power of Infographics in Your Marketing Efforts with Brian Wallace

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2019

Building a well thought out and strategic marketing strategy is essential to bringing in business. But, it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive.


Building a Personal Brand

  • Build a good personal brand. It’s important to tell people what makes your firm unique because that will be a deciding factor in which firm they choose to use.
  • By becoming well known, you won’t need to spend much money on advertising. People will be familiar with you from your online presence and will come to you on their own.
  • You need a level of transparency. People want to see you in order to connect. As the firm owner you have to put yourself and your firm’s mission out there for people to see and relate to. With that people are going to come to you.



  • Consistency. Be consistent about putting out great content. 
  • Quality. You have to put content out there that is quality work and will be useful whenever someone comes across it.



  • Use a...
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Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2019

What does choosing a niche mean?

It does not mean choosing a practice area. It’s narrowing it down even further and choosing one aspect of the practice area you chose.


The Power of Niching Down

  1. You’ll push away the wrong people and only get the ones you need.
  2. People who need your specific service will find you more easily.
  3. There are a number of internal and external benefits.


Internal Benefits

  1. Marketing
    By niching down you create one target customer. With one target customer you can get very specific with your marketing strategy.
  2. Sales
    You can create a system for your sales process. Now the leads coming to you are coming for one specific service, so you don’t need completely new proposals and prices for each client.
    When you’re clear on what you’re offering and to who, you can hire a salesperson to make the sale with a client instead of the attorney.
  3. Operations
    You can create a standard process around new client intake because the only...
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Using a Freelance Writer for Your Law Firm Blog with Laura Pennington Briggs

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2019

7 Tips on How to be Successful Through Blog Posts


1. Why You Should Hire a Writer

A lot goes into a blog post, like:

  • Coming up with the title/topic
  • Researching the material
  • Writing the article
  • Adding outbound and inbound links
  • Adding pictures with alt tags
  • Adding meta descriptions

As a law firm owner, you don’t have the time to learn and do all these steps. By hiring a writer, they can take care of all your content (blog posts and website content) with just a little bit of guidance from you.

Some writers will also help you in other areas to improve the impact of your blog. Those writers will guide you through those processes or will offer suggestions and referrals to other people that can help you. They’ll give you a few choices of ideas so you can pick one more easily. They’ll hook you up with the people you need or speak to someone who is already helping you.


2) Your Firm Website Needs to be Up to Date and Running Properly

Your website needs:

  • ...
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The Anatomy of Flat Fee Pricing

Uncategorized Aug 06, 2019

Now that you want to give flat fee billing a shot, how do you go about putting it into place in your firm and determining the prices?

Here’s a few pointers before we get into the details:

  • Flat fee doesn’t mean you need a set price for the entire process. You can set a price for each step of the process. You can also do a mix of flat fee and hourly billing if that’s necessary for your area of practice. 
  • If it’s a task that you are unsure how many hours it will take, like court appearances, then you can take the average of how long they usually take and make that the flat fee.
  • Whether you choose hourly or flat fee, you have to decide in the beginning and then stick with that for the rest of the case.



In the beginning, it’s good to compare your price to your hourly rate and how long everything is taking. Now take that number and increase it by 25%.

You want some breathing room because your data may be based off of bills where you cut...

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The Death of The Billable Hour

Uncategorized Jul 30, 2019

Hourly Billing vs Flat Fee Billing


Hourly Billing Pros and Cons


  1. There’s a direct correlation to the firm’s costs.
  2. It’s easy to tell if the billers are earning their worth.


  1. You lose clients -
    • They find someone cheaper.
    • Open ended price tag - people are risk averse.
  2. You’re putting the value on your time rather than the service. With flat fee billing you are placing the value on the end result. 
  3. It creates friction between your firm and the client. It’s hard to confront your client for more money. When you prepare the bill, you may take off some of the hours spent on different things because you’re worried about your client questioning it.
  4. Causes accounts receivable problems. Many firms aren’t good at replenishing their retainers and don’t have a system in place for doing so. You also have to spend time chasing after your clients until they pay you. This also will cause friction with your client.
  5. Increases...
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