Continuing the series of episodes related to adding information products as a revenue source for your law firm, Moshe Amsel shares the challenges that may come up and the number one way that you can persevere and stay the course.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Facebook Live Playlist with A Browne Live Demo of Implementing an Information Product in a Law Firm -
Episode 96: Lawyers Are Leaving Money On the Table - Lots Of It -
Episode 98: Step 1: Define Your Clients Journey -
Episode 100: Step 2: Where is the Gap? -
Join the Law Firm Growth Incubator -
Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group...
At this point we know we need information products and we have some ideas for what they can be about, but now you may be asking, “where do I position this product?” In this episode Moshe Amsel continues the discussion about information products with Tangi Carter. Moshe and Tangi talk about the client journey and how to find the best places to position your information products.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Free coaching session with Moshe -
Law Firm Growth Incubator -
Tangi’s website -
Tangi’s Facebook page -
Episode 049 - Getting Over 1,000 Google Reviews with Sam Mollaei -
Mind Your Business Podcast -
The murder of George Floyd has heightened awareness of a still major issue in today’s society - that of racism. Some may argue that a business podcast is not the place to discuss this issue, but where is the right place? Haven’t we been talking about this in the right place before? Look where it has gotten us.
Today, we are doing something different on the Profit with Law podcast. Today we are discussing an issue that pertains to every single one of us, white or black. We need to figure out how to solve this problem so that we can get back to upholding our societal contract.
Resources mentioned:
Trevor Noah on George Floyd, the Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper -
Practical post from Rachel Brenke on business protection in violent protest areas -
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit - ...
Brita Long is our first guest in a series of guest interviews about using information products in your firm. Moshe Amsel and Brita Long brainstorm many great ideas on what information products you can create. As a family law attorney, Brita also gives us some topic ideas that family law attorneys can use for information products. Even if you’re not in family law, Brita’s ideas can help set you on a path towards some of the types of topics people are interested in.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
The Happier Attorney by Brita Long -
Brita Long’s Facebook group Attorneys and Flat Fees -
Episode 096 - Lawyers Are Leaving Money On the Table - Lots Of It -
Episode 026 - The Death of The Billable Hour
Continuing the series of episodes related to adding information products as a revenue source for your law firm, Moshe Amsel shares the 3 gaps that you can solve with an information product. He explains how to identify them and how to choose one to focus on first.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Facebook Live Broadcast with A Browne Kicking Off the Live Demo of Implementing an Information Product in a Law Firm -
Episode 96: Lawyers Are Leaving Money On the Table - Lots Of It -
Episode 98: Step 1: Define Your Clients Journey -
Join the Law Firm Growth Incubator -
Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group Coaching Program - ...
In this Interview, Erik gives us a 5 step process for setting goals and achieving them. Moshe Amsel and Erik Pickering discuss the different planning stages in great detail. From mindset to having others evaluate your plan, they review it all.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
You can reach Erik at [email protected]
Tracers -
Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy -
The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates -
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To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].
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In the first of a series of episodes related to adding information products as a revenue source for your law firm, Moshe Amsel shares the secret to successfully pulling this endeavor off. If you are serious about doubling, tripling or quadrupling your revenue in the next year, then you will want to make sure to do this first.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Episode 29: Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm -
Join the Law Firm Growth Incubator -
Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group Coaching Program -
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To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show,...
At any given moment there are a multitude of things that law firm owners need to work on in their firms. But when you try to do too much at once, it makes it harder to succeed at even one of those things. In this episode Mike Michalowicz shows us how to figure out which area we need to focus on. He shows us how to build our businesses up, one step at a time.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Book a free coaching session with Moshe Amsel -
Episode 16 - Take Your Profit First -
Episode 18 - Profit First Step-by-Step -
Free business evaluation -
Fix This Next by Mike Michalowicz -
Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz -
Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz -
Sometimes, you find out about an idea that makes so much sense and yet seems so far out of reach from what you know to be normal that you have to think “It can’t be that simple”.
Today, Moshe reveals why the biggest asset a lawyer has - their knowledge - can be the impetus of a scalable business that is no longer tied to the amount of effort expended. Imagine the possibility! You don’t want to miss this episode, it is the beginning of a revolution.
Resources mentioned:
Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -
Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group Coaching Program -
Join our Facebook Community:
To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].
Connect with Moshe...
Do you think taking risks is bad? Do you think failure is bad? If you answered yes to either question, your perception of risks and failure may be holding you back from your full potential of having a successful law firm. In this incredible interview Moshe Amsel and Bill Hauser, founder & CEO of the SMB Team, discuss both of these topics and how to use risks and failure to create a successful business. Bill also shares his morning routine and how personal habits and goals can help your business exponentially.
Resources mentioned:
Clients On Demand - One Day Summit - Hands-On Workshop - Complete Your Selling System in a Single Day -
PPC for Lawyers (Not Dummies) by Bill Hauser -
Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod -
Lawyer Marketing Labs Podcast -
Episode 87 Making Mistakes Is a Very Good Thing with...
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