Delegating to Freelance Lawyers with Kristin Tyler

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2020

Do you feel like you have to do all the work for your client? Are you overwhelmed by the lengthy tasks that don’t really need to be done by you? In this episode Moshe Amsel interviews Kristin Tyler, co-founder of LAWCLERK, and they discuss the solution to this very problem. Kristin enlightens us about the benefits of hiring freelance lawyers and how to utilize them. She shows us how to delegate certain tasks that don’t need to be done specifically by you. This episode can be life changing in freeing up your time!


Resources mentioned:

LAWCLERK - Use code: profitwithlaw20 to get $100 off your first project of $300 or more -


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Best Of: Profit First Step-By-Step

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2020

In episode 16 we learned the basics of the Profit First system and now we will do a Profit First deep dive. With these steps you’ll learn how to manage your money to create a healthy business.


One Time Setup

 When you first start there are three steps to setting up the Profit First system and you only have to do it once:


Step #1

Set up five bank accounts.

You and/or your accountant will most likely have some resistance to this. You may be worried about:

  • Cost
  • Paperwork
  • Excess Bookkeeping

Don’t worry about the cost because there are different ways you can get the fees waived.

  • Some banks don’t have fees
  • Some will waive the fees if you have a certain amount in the account
  • Some will waive the fees if you use multiple services from them

Change. You will have resistance because this is a big change, but don’t skip this step because it’s the whole point of this system.

The five accounts are split into:

  1. Income - all deposits...
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Becoming a Community Involved Law Firm with Morris Lilienthal

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2020

In this episode, Moshe Amsel interviews Morris Lilienthal. Morris has discovered how to achieve his purpose and do what he loves, while at the same time making his firm top of mind for everyone in the community. Morris has accomplished this by positioning his firm as a community participant, getting involved in the community through non-law related activities. Listen now to see the impact that has had in Morris’s firm and how you can achieve that as well.

Resources mentioned:

Join the Law Firm Growth Incubator -


The Mo Show Live!:


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Best Of: Take Your Profit First

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2020

Is your firm struggling with cash? Are you not bringing home enough money?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time to implement the Profit First system (from the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz).

Owner’s Pay v.s. Profit

Before we get into anything let’s define Owner’s Pay and Profit.

Owner’s Pay is your salary for working.

Profit is what the firm made after all expenses were paid.

The Problem

What is causing this cash problem?

The root of the problem is human nature.

Mike Michalowicz likes to call what we do “bank balanced accounting” and that is where we naturally look at our bank accounts each morning and one of three things will happen:

  1. The account is negative and now you have to get it to positive before you get a penalty.
  2. There is little money in the bank, so you try to get extra work so you can get the money you know you’ll need.
  3. There is plenty of cash and what happens next is...
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Positioning Yourself as an Authority with Mike Saunders

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2020

When people are looking to hire a lawyer, they want someone who is authentic and the go-to lawyer of that practice area. In this insightful interview, Moshe Amsel and Mike Saunders discuss the many ways to build your authority. When you become the authority figure of your practice area, people will gravitate to you because you are familiar and knowledgeable. Listen now to discover the different ways you can become the go-to person for your potential clients.

Resources Mentioned:

Law Firm Growth Free Coaching Call -


Mike Saunders’ Website -


FREE Access to Authority Marketing for Law Firms Book -


Get your first authority boost single or triple pack ($497/$997) and start positioning yourself for success today -


Podcast 2 Publish - ...

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You've Got Mail! with Andrew Stickel

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2020

In this eye-opening interview, Moshe Amsel and Andrew Stickel reveal the power of information products in your marketing strategy. They break down the basics of marketing and how to develop successful strategies in moving potential clients up the value ladder. With creative, insightful, and easy to understand examples, this interview will open your eyes to easier, simpler, and more profitable ways to market using your information products. 


Resources mentioned:

Business by Design -


How to Get More Law Firm Clients by Andrew Stickel -


Trello -


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FREE Marketing!?!? Sign Me Up! With Sid Peddinti

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2020

Marketing can be such a struggle. There are so many different strategies that it’s hard to choose which one to use or know if it will work. Well, in this episode Moshe Amsel interviews Sid Peddinti, who shares the secret ingredient to marketing successfully: educating. Listen to this episode to learn more about how educating your audience through a non-profit education center can provide free lifetime marketing and an endless stream of clients for your law firm.


Resources mentioned:

Business by Design -


Grants for Lawyers -


Living Forward Book by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy -


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Rise of the Digital CEO with James Wedmore

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2020

In this exciting episode, Moshe Amsel interviews his mentor James Wedmore, the guru of million-dollar information product businesses. He created a simple step-by-step guide to creating information products in your business. He shares with us the five essential gears that you need to run a successful digital business. 

James’ video series Rise of the Digital CEO is currently out and free to watch but goes back in the vault in just over a week, so click here to access it:

Resources mentioned:

The FREE 8-Part Mini-Series: The Rise of the Digital CEO -


LIVE DEMO - Information Products for Law Firms -

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Legal Products Instead of Services with Bobby Klinck

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2020

In this stellar interview, Moshe Amsel and Bobby Klinck reveal the magic of using information products. One of the best outcomes of having information products is that it builds relationships with potential customers. It doesn’t only raise your conversion rates, it also creates a following of people that will sing your praises to everyone. If you want to find out more about how this works and the steps you can take to accomplishing this feat, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.


Resources mentioned: 

Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -


Bobby’s website -


Patent Litigation Primer by Bobby Klinck -


Episode 29 - Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm -


Hubspot -


Marie Forleo B-School - ...

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Effectuating Real Change through Courses with Joey Vitale

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

In this episode Moshe Amsel interviews Joey Vitale, founder of Indie Law Firm. Joey created a course and shares with us how that has had a major impact on his firm, not only in revenue and processes, but also in having a larger impact on people. Moshe and Joey discuss their desire to have a greater impact and instigate real change in the world and how you can accomplish that by creating information products.

Resources mentioned:

Unlock the Hidden Revenue Stream - One Day Summit -


Joey Vitale on Facebook -


Joey C. Vitale on Instagram -


Owning it live show - can be found on Joey’s Facebook page -


Episode 96 - Lawyers Are Leaving Money On the Table - Lots Of It -


Episode 29 -  Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm - ...

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