Profit: How Do You Know If Your Law Firm Is Profitable?

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2020

The profit your law firm generates is the first key indicator of your firm’s performance. Why else would you be in business if not to generate a profit?

The problem is, many of us do not understand how to arrive at this number. If you are looking at your Profit and Loss or Income Statement from your accounting software and relying on that to determine your profit then you are missing a key point.

In this episode, Moshe Amsel goes into detail to explain the different ways a law firm owner can get paid through their firm and why that makes a difference in how profit is calculated. Even if you hate numbers, you won’t want to miss this key lesson in understanding the most important number in your law firm’s health.

Resources mentioned:

Book a Free Coaching Session and Also Learn More About the 90 Day Law Firm Turnaround Group Coaching Program
Profit with Law Podcast Episode 16 - Take Your Profit First
Profit with Law Podcast Episode 18 - Profit First Step-by-Step


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Is Social Media for Me?

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2020

Are you wondering whether your firm should be out there on social media? Have you been trying to get traction on social media and perhaps not been as successful as you would like?

The first question you should be asking is - Is Social Media for Me?

Moshe Amsel explains the fundamental theory around this decision and how to approach the question in this episode. He also answers your next question: Which platform should I choose?

Resources mentioned:

LinkedIn Masterclass - February 4th at 2:30PM EST

To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].

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Why It Takes A While To Achieve Success

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2020

The first place we look when something appears not to be working, is to seek more knowledge. I have news for you, you likely already know what you need to succeed. There are 2 more ingredients that usually are lacking that cause you to have very slow or no progress.

In this episode, Moshe explains what these 2 additional components are, why they are more important than knowing how to do things as a business owner and some strategies you can use to champion these additional success factors.

If you are looking for rapid growth and success then this is a must listen to episode of goodness!

Resources mentioned:

LinkedIn Masterclass - February 4th at 2:30PM EST
Schedule a Free Coaching Session with Moshe
The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].

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Who Is Your Ideal Client?

Uncategorized Jan 14, 2020

Do you struggle to find a marketing strategy that works for your firm? There is a good chance that yet another strategy is not what you need. Often the reason the marketing strategy is not working is because it is not resonating with the right person.

Your ideal client is the person you want to attract and getting clear on who that is, will unlock great potential in your marketing efforts. Listen to this episode as host Moshe Amsel explains how to identify your ideal client.

Resources mentioned:

Profit with Law Podcast Episode 29: Why Choosing a Niche Will Skyrocket Your Firm

To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].

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How To Follow Your Heart - A Live Coaching Experience with Curtis Kleem

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2020

Have you ever struggled with questions of expansion? Should I add another practice area? Should I expand my geographic coverage/footprint? Should I hire more staff?

The good news is that in this episode you get an inside glimpse into the coaching that Moshe performs when he goes deep into this topic with Curtis Kleem a solo attorney in Georgia. Curtis is highly successful but would like more and faster. Sound familiar? It should. Most firm owners want rapid growth and success. The good news is that it is very possible, pay attention to the questions asked and ask yourself the same questions.

Resources mentioned:

5 Steps to Law Firm Success in 2020 Training -

Kleem Law -

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What Do You Want?

Uncategorized Jan 07, 2020

95% of people will never get to live the life of their dreams. If you want to be part of the few, it is going to take constant forward motion to prevent moving backwards. In this episode Moshe talks about defining ‘Growth’ and what it means to you. Ultimately, settling on a simple yet very complex question: What do you want?

Resources mentioned:
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].

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Live Marketing Q&A from the Law Firm Growth Summit Day 1 with Mark Homer, Gordon Firemark, Charles Krugel and Neil Tyra - 056

Uncategorized Dec 18, 2019

The Law Firm Growth Summit is in full swing and one of the features of the event is the nightly Live Q&A sessions. This is an exclusive opportunity to have direct access to a number of industry leaders in an open discussion forum. The Q&A session was so good that we had to bring it to our podcast listeners. Below is a list of the questions answered along with timestamps so you can jump around and find what is applicable to you. It is not too late to join the summit and join us live for the remaining Q&A session during the week of December 16-20, 2019.

12:40 - Daniel asks what the best methods a new practice owner can implement to attract new clients.
30:27 - Melissa asks how she can gain expert status through speaking engagements.
36:00 - Jonathan asks how marketing B2B would be treated differently than marketing B2C.
49:59 - Nicole asks how to plan her marketing strategy when her firm serves multiple practice areas.
1:00:00 - Diana asks how she can leverage existing client...

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Legal Industry Predictions for 2020

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2019

Wondering what 2020 will bring for your law firm? Moshe shares his insights and predictions on a number of items including marketing trends, coaching and pricing models. If you want to think about where you might be able to get ahead of the curve then this podcast episode is the one you want to listen to

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Marketing and Sales Secrets from Industry Experts with Gyi Tsakalakis, Jan Roos, Mark Homer and Andrew Stickel

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2019

If you are looking for amazing laser focused tips in Marketing and Sales then look no further than the upcoming Law Firm Growth Summit that is absolutely free at In this episode, we have handpicked 4 speakers from the Marketing and Sales tracks to give you a taste of the full product.


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How Giving Thanks Can Grow Your Business

Uncategorized Nov 26, 2019

As business owners, we rarely take the time to acknowledge ourselves for the progress we’ve made. We often do a poor job of recognizing others for the positive contribution they have had in our lives. Imagine if your referral partners felt treated like royalty for sending you a referral. Imagine if your employees feel truly appreciated for a job well done. What impact would that have on your firm’s growth - both internally and externally? Here are some tips on how to do that well.


The Law Firm Growth Summit is a unique event. With 30 speakers, entirely virtual content so you don’t have to travel and absolutely FREE admission, there is no reason not to attend this amazing conference. Find out more at

To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].

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